Rating System

3:20 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Five stars ★★★★★ : I loved the book and it's one of my absolute favorites and I can't stop thinking about it.

Four stars ★★★★☆ : I really liked it, but there were one or two things missing or a bit off that kept me from loving it.

Three stars ★★★☆☆: I thought it was okay. (Meh.)

Two stars ★★☆☆☆: I didn't like the book a lot, but I didn't absolutely hate it.

One star ★☆☆☆☆: Didn't finish it/ there were way too many things wrong with it for me to enjoy it.

I rarely give out five stars (I have to really really love the book). I also give half stars if I really can't decide where the books belongs (for instance, if I didn't absolutely love the book, but I didn't just really like it either, that would probably be a 4.5).